Knitting Projects

Ever since I can remember I have enjoyed crafting. While attending a British primer school, I learned to hold a needle and completed many samplers like all “proper” girls do. Crafting is something I do for me! It keeps me and my hands busy. And hopefully along the way, I can bless others.

My husband once said that I have seasons of crafts. I find a new area of interest and jump in with both feet and when the season is over I move on to another interest. Currently, I am passionate about knitting and began this season in 2012. Here are some projects that I have completed and would like to share with you. I mainly use free patterns, but occasionally do write my own pattern or use a purchased one.


HEAD WEAR (hats, headbands, snoods…)






list last updated 1-5-2020

One thought on “Knitting Projects

  1. I finally found you and your terrific patterns. I was looking for a pattern with a cross so that I could knit some to give to my mother’s eye surgeon. Since my mom is 84 she lives with me now so I do the driving etc. Recently while waiting for her I was knitting on some of my preemie burial gowns when he came in asked me about them. Long story short is he and several other doctors started “Surgeons for Sight” , whereby they go to foreign countries to do sight surgery to those who would never have a chance to save their sight without this. I do a lot of charity knitting and so I found this design and will now begin to knit some as their next mission trip will be in February. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart as Dr.Williams asked me if I could knit a cross and I told him I would start looking for a pattern and now we can start. God Bless you. Margaret K. Thomas Greenville,SC

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