You know how to make a girl feel special.

I want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you. When I began blogging, I was unsure where this adventure would go. I did not tell anyone I blogged, for I was uncertain and afraid – what would I write about; would anyone want to read what I wrote; how long would this interest last (a few months?).

Yet here I am almost two years later, and I now have 100 followers. Compared to some big name blogs this is pretty crummy, but it makes my heart swell. I have intentionally not told any of my friends that I blog, and most of my extended family is still in the dark. So each of you is a complete stranger to me. Yet, you encourage me to keep writing.

Lately, I have been sharing a lot of my knitting projects; if you stopped by to see them there are more coming. But I feel I have neglected my other interests. I have several posts planned, but am struggling to find the time to sit and write. I dream of days when I will be able to do that.

If this is your first time stopping by or you follow me, thank you for encouraging me to continue to share the projects that I am working on. If you have just stumbled upon this page, you may want to check out some of my top posts.

Easy Oatmeal Cookies

Basketweave Dishcloth

AHG Summer Camp SWAPS

Water Bottle Makeover

Bathroom Makeover, Part 5

The final step to my bathroom makeover was trinkets for the counter top. I am blessed to have a large counter which will come in handy in a few years when I have two teenagers in the house. There is plenty of room for both of them. But, it also leaves me with a lot of blank space that needed a little something.

Sun sand surf

In my search for idea I found several wood block decor items on Pinterest. Most of them linked back to and cost between $20 and $30 plus shipping. I knew I could make it for a fraction of that, so back to the hardware store I went. Continue reading “Bathroom Makeover, Part 5”

Personalized Pillowcase

As I shared in November, Lily wanted purple zebra room. She also wanted LOTS of pillows on her bed. Have you priced pillows lately? Well I was not thrilled at what I found, so I decided to get crafty.


We had an extra pillow case that came with a set of sheets, so I claimed it and with less less than $1.50, I was able to make this for her.

At the craft store I purchased a sheet of zebra print felt ($0.99) and one-forth of a yard of light weight Wonder Under ($0.37 on sale). I only used about half of the Wonder Under but knew I could use it for other projects.

When I came home I ironed the Wonder Under to the felt according to the directions on the package, being careful not to melt the felt. Then using my Cricut I cut letters from the felt. This was only partially successful and did not cut the letters all the way through. So I used a pair of sharp scissors to finish cutting the letters.  I then used the iron to attach the letters to the pillow case.

If/when I do this again, I will print the letters on regular paper in a large font and use the paper letters as a pattern to cut the felt letters. Also, I used the full piece of felt with little waste. If you have more letters additional sheets of felt would be needed.

If you like zebra print check out the matching dish I made for her dresser here.