AHG Badge Help – Dawn of Our Country, Tenderheart #4

As promised, I am working on updating many of the American Heritage Girls badge helps that I previously posted.  I thought I would start with Dawn of Our Country.  My goal in updating them is to reflect the current badge number and requirement. And because the first badge help was written more than 10 years ago, some of the links may have changed. 

Today we are looking at Tenderheart requirement #4.  We all know the legend that Betsy Ross designed and sewed the first American Stars and Stripes flag.  In May of 1776 three members of the Continental Congress came to her is secret and asked her to make a flag.  The sketch they provided her included six-pointed stars.  She was able to convince them to use a five-pointed star instead because it is easier to create and can me made with only one cut. (More details about can be found here).  While there is little historical evidence to support this legend, it has been repeated so many times that it is accepted by many as fact. (more information available at the Colonial Williamsburg.org site).

To assist you in learning how to cut a five-pointed star, I am sharing the link to US History.org webpage (here)l that I shared the first time I posted this badge help, but I am updating the YouTube video.  The Crafty Mom does an excellent job of demonstrating cutting a star.  Unlike many other videos, she talks you through each step making it super easy to follow.  Check out her video here

NOTE: The requirements have been simplified here. Please be sure to read the full text in the American Heritage Girl Handbook to make sure you fully understand the requirements.

The Return of Life of Momma B

As with so many people, life has changed since Covid. With the increase of family challenges and responsibilities I needed to step away from blogging for a time. Then, I got out of the routine and Life of Momma B set idle. For a time, I even considered shutting down my blog. When I shared this with family and friends, I was met with some resistance. I didn’t realize how many people are still visiting this site. After wrestling with the decision for some time, I decided that I would try to breathe new life into Life of Momma B.

It has been almost 10 years since I started blogging. The first thing I decided to do was to update the look of my site. If you have been visiting for a while, you will notice several major changes. First, the logo. Yes, I am still Momma B, and I will continue to share my creative life with you and jump from project to project. But, over the last 10 years my tastes have changed, so I have updated my logo. As you dig deep into past posts, you will see the old logo, but new material will have the new look.

I also changed the overall layout of the site. Now when you go to LifeofMommaB.com you will arrive at my home page. From here you can choose which part of the blog you want to see. First you will find the major categories. If you are a regular visitor and know what you are wanting, these are for you. They will take you to the area you love the most and you can bypass all the other topics. Then I have the highlights of my recent posts, this will show you what is new and is a great resource for my regular visitors. Don’t forget about the search feature on this page. Looking for a recipe, type the main ingredient and you are on your way. Working on a merit badge, type in the frontier and you are done. But please do not forget about the signup feature. This will notify you of new blog posts as they come out.

The blog itself has not changed much. I plan to continue to blog on a variety of topics. Like a bee, hopping from flower to flower, my life is spent hopping from project to project. My home recipes will still be a major component. My family still uses this for everyday cooking. Instead of grabbing my recipe box out of the cabinet, they tend to grab their phone and look up a recipe. One thing I dislike about some blogs is the large amount of information before you get to the actual recipe. Not here! While I do share information about the recipe, you won’t find a ton of fluff. Please be sure to read the tips at the end of the recipe, it does make a difference.

Crafting is still a major part of my life. My husband describes me as a “seasonal crafter”. Just as one moves through different seasons of life, I move through different seasons of crafting. My passions change over time. I am currently re-entering into a quilting season of crafting, which is super exciting. Before my children were born, I quilted and am returning to this passion. This doesn’t mean I don’t knit from time to time, but the amount of time I spend knitting has decreased. Now, I spend hours drooling over quilts on Pinterest and deciding which I will make next when I still haven’t completed the previous ones.

The next major category for my blog post is American Heritage Girls. When AHG came out with the new handbooks, I stopped sharing badge helps. So many of my readers come to get assistance with badges. This is one area that I plan to expand. I hope to return to old posts and update them to reflect the new badge requirements, as well as post the countless other badge helps that I have not shared.

Now what is going on in my personal life. Well, my husband and I are now empty nesters. I have completed my 15+ years of homeschooling and my daughter is now in college. This was a major life change that occurred during Covid. Since my days are no longer spent teaching, I am now able to spend time on other things. Most of my time is spent on a business my sister and I created a year and a half ago. We work together to make reusable cotton products. (Check out our Etsy page here). God has blessed this venture, but it takes up a large amount of my time. While the little bit of money that we make is nice, the main benefit I have found is how much it has strengthened my relationship with my sister. This is the first time since 2005 that we have lived in the same state. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and you cannot put a value on that.

For now, I will stop rambling. Stay tuned to new blog posts. While I have not developed a posting schedule yet, I hope too soon. Please comment below and let me know what topics you would like to see me post about.

Momma B

AHG Badge Help – Dawn of Our Country, Tenderheart #4

With the new badge book in hand, I thought it was time to rewrite some of my previous badge helps to correspond to the new handbook.

Today we are looking at the five-pointed star, also known as a pentagram, found on the American flag.  Can you imagine our flag with a six-pointed star instead of the five-pointed star? It just does not seem right.

Continue reading “AHG Badge Help – Dawn of Our Country, Tenderheart #4”