All Texas Shop Hop

It’s time for an update from my quilt room. This spring I participated in the All Texas Shop Hop.  This is the first year Shop Hop Inc. hosted a hop in Texas.  I visited 53 of the 106 participating shops.  Each shop gave out a 4” block with a quilty saying and their shop name.  Completing all the shops in a region earned you a free 6” block. There was also a slew of shop hop specialty items for purchase including a fabric line, and gifts. 

In addition to my 53 shop blocks and 4 regional blocks, I did find some amazing deals.  In addition to more fabric than intended, I picked up a couple of panels, several new quilt patterns and some new quilting tools and notions I am excited to try out. As you can imagine my sewing room looks like a tornado hit it and is in desperate need of re-organizing.

While I have fallen behind on my RBD block challenge, I do have another Quilt-As-You-Go Crazy Patchwork Flower to share with you.  The second block is red.  I created the block on the left and received the block on the right. The pattern and more information about the block can be found on a previous blog post (here). 

Please be patient with me as I work to re-organize. I have a lot to share with you but am taking life one stitch at a time. 

Momma B

Quilt-As-You-Go Crazy Patchwork Flower

If you have not guessed, I’m falling behind on my RBD Block Challenge.  Instead of working on it I have decided to start a few new projects. I have to admit, starting a new project creates a dopamine release that charges my battery unlike anything else. I am super excited about a couple of block exchanges that I am participating in this year. 

The first one I want to share uses Monica Poole’s Quilt-As-You-Go Crazy Patchwork Flower Block. Each block will be a different color to create a garden of flowers. The group is using a YouTube tutorial (found here). 

The first block is light pink.  I created the block on the left and received the block on the right.  All of the flowers will have a yellow center, with either white or white-on-white border. 

This is the first time for me using the Quilt-As-You-Go method. I love exploring new techniques. I have found creating the block to be rather simple, especially using the YouTube tutorial.  I will admit that I am a little nervous about joining the blocks, but will cross that bridge later.  No need to borrow trouble.  Until then, I will be taking life one stitch at a time.

Momma B. 

RBD Block Challenge: Block 6, Bloom Where You Are Planted

The RBD Block Challenge continues.  If you are keeping track we are up to block number six, Bloom Where You Are Planted.  This block was designed by Jennifer Long of Sew A Story.  And I think it is my favorite so far.

While the design seems complicated, Jennifer did a great job of breaking it down with step by step instructions. I am always amazed how a few rectangles sewn together with a couple of stitch and flip corners can create a stunning block. I can see a quilt made completely from this one block. It could even be done in a scrappy version.

One thing I dislike about stitch and flip style blocks is the waste. I want to share with you one thing I do to minimize the waste.  Whenever I have a large (which is a relative term), I sew an additional line 1/2 inch from the required line to create and extra square that can be used in another project.  Here let me explain. When creating the leaves in the flower, two wonky looking square are sewn together on a diagonal.   

Step 1. Per the block instructions, draw a line diagonally (Line 1).
Step 2. Draw a line 1/2 inch away from the required line (Line 2).
Step 3. Sew on lines 1 and 2.
Step 4. Cut between lines 1 and 2. (Line 3)
Step 5. Press the blocks open as usual.

Here are the two squares that this creates. The first square is used in the Bloom Where You Are Planted Block, and the extra square can be used in other blocks. This smaller block is 2.5″. I find that I can use a small square in a scrappy block easier than I can two odd triangles. I hope you find this tip helpful.

Until next time, take life one stitch at a time.

Momma B

RBD Block Challenge: Block 5, Dazzle

Are you keeping up with Riley Blake’s 2024 Block Challenge?  We are up to Block 5.  This block was designed by Kristy Lea from Quiet Play Designs.  If you are not familiar with her work, she designs mainly Foundation Paper Piecing Patterns.  I have been following her work for some time and signed up for her recent FPP Fussycutting Challenge, where she featured tiny 4″ televisions that I hope to sew up in the near future.  

Now back to the quilt along… I have to admit, at first glance I was not overly impressed by this block. But when someone from the facebook community described it as four fish, I was finally able to appreciate the block.  It came together quickly and easily, my favorite kind of block.  

Until next time, take life one stitch at a time,

Momma B

RBD Block Challenge: Block 4, Framed Star

The RBD Block Challenge continues.   As I see it, the purpose of this type of challenge is 1) help you improve your skills,  2) introduce you to different pattern designers and 3) allow you to create a stunning quilt that is broken down into bite size pieces.   

This weekend I completed the fourth block in the series, the Framed Star, designed by Fran of Cotton and Joy. I have to admit that I am not very familiar with her work so I spent a little time checking her out.  If only my kiddos were little I would definitely be making the Annabelle quilt, and I still might because it looks so fun.  If you are not familiar with her work head to her website and check it out.  

In addition to completing this most recent block,  I was also able to begin cutting the fabric for all of the remaining blocks.  At the request of many of the participants, Riley Blake has now released the complete cutting instructions for the quilt.  This allows me to cut the fabric more efficiently.  All the information can be found here