Badge Help – Pen & Paper #17

Occasionally, when looking at a badge requirement, you will find that you have completed it (or part of it) without realizing that you have. Using construction paper and a sewing machine, you can create a garland to match any theme.

This month I am focusing on the Pen and Paper Badge.  Requirement #17 says to make decorations for a party or troop activity using paper.  A few years back, our Pioneer Unit hosted a baby shower for one of the troop leaders.  The paper products they found had pink and blue polka dots on them, but they could not find any decorations they liked to match, so we got creative and made our own. Continue reading “Badge Help – Pen & Paper #17”

For the budding artist

We all have an artist within us.  Some of us are just fortunate enough to have found it.

paint party cake | Life of Momma BI was recently asked to make a cake for a friend whose daughter was turning 7.  She was having a little birthday party at one of the local painting stores, where the girls got to paint a project to take home.  I was excited by the opportunity to play with my cake decorating toys.

Continue reading “For the budding artist”